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Each member of a joint health and safety committee is entitled to two days of leave per year to attend occupational health and safety training seminars, programs or courses offered by Safe Work Manitoba or approved by the safety and health committee or provided in the current collective bargaining agreement.  


The Manitoba Teachers’ Society and the Manitoba School Boards Association have developed a one-day workshop for training of education employees who are workplace safety and health representatives, e.g. WSH Chairs, WSH Committee Members, Custodians, CUPE, MANTE, etc. The one-day workshop will provide information on committee basics and investigation, hazard assessment, incident investigations, and reporting.


  1. “School Violence: Recognizing, Responding, and Preventing” (Terri Hill, MTS) – This session will review the legislation and responsibilities of staff, principals/supervisors, and the employer related to school violence. It also includes new information on recent statistics collected by MTS through the Member Poll, samples of Safe Work Procedures and control measures, and violence scenarios.  
  2. “K-12 Education Culture and Security Management” (Leonard Zdrill, MSBA) – Leonard will address how school safety is impacted by the culture, beliefs, and philosophies that dominate our school systems. Sometimes the two are aligned, but what happens when our philosophies and practices might actually cause a risk to students or staff? How can we work to create a school culture that honours our educational beliefs but also moves away from the mindset of risk tolerance towards one of risk aversion?”
  3. “Lessons in Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace” (Care for All in Education Team) – In a follow-up to last year’s introductory session to Psychological Health and Safety, the team from CFAE will be presenting a number of practical mini-lessons they have developed to help school staff work on various aspects of their psychological well-being in their workplaces. The mini-lessons are designed to be presented as part of staff meetings, wellness events, or other staff gatherings.

2024-2025 Training dates and cities (all are from 9 a.m. to  4 p.m. with lunch provided):

  • September 17 – Swan River – Veterans Community Hall, 1481 Third St. N, Swan River
  • September  23 – Flin Flon - Hapnot Collegiate Institute, 115 Green St. Flin Flon
  • September 24 – the Pas - Location TBD 
  • October 3 - Western - Division office, 75 Thornhill Street, Morden (20 person capacity)
  • October 8 & 9 – Thompson - Division office, 408 Thompson Drive N, Thompson
  • October 15 – Turtle Mountain/Southwest Horizon - Killarney United Church, 432 Williams Ave, Killarney
  • October 21 – Winnipeg – The Manitoba Teachers’ Society, Auditorium, 191 Harcourt Street
  • October 29 - Lord Selkirk - Ecole Selkirk Junior High, 516 Stanley Ave, Selkirk
  • October 30 – Hanover School Division – Division Office, 5 Chrysler Gate, Steinbach
  • November 5 - Lakeshore - Eriksdale Rec Center, 21 Avenue, Eriksdale
  • November 8 - Brandon - Division Office, 1031, 6th Street, Brandon
  • November 13 - Mountain View - Division Office, SE 18-25-19W Hwy 5 & Hwy 10, Dauphin
  • November 26 - Pine Creek - Location TBD
  • November 27 – Winnipeg – The Manitoba Teachers’ Society, Auditorium, 191 Harcourt Street
  • November 29 – (FULL)Rolling River School Division – Division Board Office, 36 Armitage Ave., Minnedosa


Registration is required in order to provide the appropriate number of information kits and meals. Members must register online. Non-members (caretakers, EA’s, etc.) can either fill out a Registration Form, email Nicole Bernard at or register on-line at

If you have any questions or require any further information, please contact Terri Hill at 204-831-3079/ 1-866-494-5747 (ext. 208), or Leonard Zdrill at MSBA 204-594-5164 / 1-800-262-8836.


The school division will be hosting a one day training session for employees who are new workplace safety and health representatives or have not yet attended the committee basics and accident investigaiton courses.  These two courses are mandator for all committee members.  This training session will be held on:

  • Date:  February 28, 2025
  • Location: Admin Office, 181 Henlow Bay, Meeting Room A&B
  • Time: 8:30am - 3:30pm.  
  • Topics include: Psychological Health & Safety (1/2 day), Workplace Inspections (1/2 day)
  • Class size is capped at 40 participants.  Registration is on a first come first served basis.

Please see the divisional PD calendar to register.

Please note an additional training session will be held in February (date is TBD) offering different topics.  


For information on safety and health committee training, please visit the Safe Manitoba website.  Check the sites often as information will change with changing public health requirements.


The school division will cover the cost of subs for all safety & health committee representatives that will be attending.  Please record the WSH release on time sheets as “SAT PD–Workplace Safety & Health.”  Please book a sub for those needing one in SmartFind. Please choose - Safety & Health Committee (code 051) as the reason for your request.

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