Grade 8
Core Subject Areas
English Language Arts (ELA), French, Math, Physical Education/Health, Social Studies and Science
Additional Subject Area
IA: 7-8 weeks of further exposure to courses such as Graphic Arts, Graphic Communications, Home Economics: Foods and Nutrition, and Home Economics: Clothing and Textiles.
Option Courses
Art or Band (choose one)
Art: Grade 8 Art provides a more advanced focus on the elements learned in the grade seven Art program while also adding in 3-dimensional quality drawing, shading & highlighting with different media, calligraphy, drawing portraits & human figures and working with acrylic paint. You do not have to have taken grade seven Art to take register for the grade eight program.
Band: Grade 8 Concert Band builds on the skills and concepts learned in grade 7 Concert Band. The focus of grade 8 band is on performance in a large ensemble setting. New members are always welcome.
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