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How to Select Courses - 2025-2026 Course Description Guide

Our 2024-2025 Course Description Guide is now ready for you to review.  You will see the following documents below:

  1. Course Description Guide 2024-2025.
  2. Course selection checklists for all grades.

If you require a hard copy of any of these documents, please visit our school office.  Students in our catchment feeder schools will receive hard copies of all of these documents at their school.

  1. VM Course Selection Grade 9 2526.pdf
  2. VM Course Selection Grade 10 2526.pdf
  3. VM Course Selection Gr. 11 and 12 2526.pdf

Students applying for grade 9 must submit their course selection sheet with their registration package. If students are attending one of our feeder schools, you will receive a package and our counsellors will assist you in entering your courses online.  Please ensure that the checklist is attached to your package.

If new to Vincent Massey, students registering for grades 10 through 12 must also submit a list of course requests.

Students currently attending Vincent Massey will select their courses online using the user id and password located with your registration package.

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