How To Register
Grades 9 through 12 Registration Information:
The registration process occurs in February each year. We encourage attendance at our annual Open House on Wednesday, February 12th at 7:00 p.m.
If students and families are interested in applying to our elite Sports and Performing Arts Program (for students competing at the national and international level), please join us for a special presentation in the library at 6:30pm.
Registration Process:
To register your child, please complete a Registration Form and email to the school address found at the bottom of this page. The following documentation must be attached to complete the registration process:
- Your child's birth certificate
- Proof of residency (e.g. lease agreement, mortgage documents or utility bills)
- Your child's 9 digit personal Manitoba Health information (9 digit personal identification number)
- Name and phone number of an emergency contact
- Parent/guardian home and work phone numbers
- our School Locator will help you determine your catchment school.
As decisions about the status of Schools-of-Choice applications may not be made until mid-June, students must register at your catchment school.
Below are downloadable forms, instructions and useful links to assist in the process.
1. Current Vincent Massey students returning:
- Information is shared and registration packages are handed out by mid-February.
- Paperwork is to be handed in to the main office by Fri. Feb. 26.
- Divisional waivers on "fair notice" policies must be signed via 2025-2026 Policies and Student Fees
- Online course selection is to be completed at home by the end Fri. Feb. 26. An opportunity will be provided towards in the last week the end of February to complete this in our computer labs/library (by grade level) for any students who have not completed this process.
2. Neighbourhood feeder schools:
At Vincent Massey, our main neighborhood feeder schools are: General Byng, Henry G. Izatt, École South Pointe (French Immersion only), École Viscount Alexander (French Immersion).
Information is shared and registration packages are handed out by administration, counsellors, resource teachers and student representatives in the last week of January. Please note that:
- Paperwork is to be handed in to your school-based counsellor or teacher by Wednesday. Feb. 24.
- Divisional waivers on "fair notice" policies must be signed via 2025-2026 Policies and Student Fees
- Online course selection is to be completed at home. Please also note that an opportunity will be provided with Massey counsellors and resource teachers to assist students with this process.
It is important this process be completed by the end of February because programming decisions (e.g. number of courses offered) and staffing are affected. Please keep in mind that the number of course sections allocated are based on the number of student registration requests. A delayed registration may require students to only select courses where space is available. Please read the information below as it pertains to your students' status when registering.
A) Within catchment. If you are new resident to to Vincent Massey's catchment and the Pembina Trails School Division, complete the school registration forms (see Useful Links below).
- Provide proof of guardianship. (Birth Certificate, legal guardianship letter, court documents etc.)
- Provide proof of residency. (Lease Agreement, Mortgage/Lease papers, Home Purchase Agreement, Manitoba Hydro bill, etc.)
- Provide a copy of the student’s most recent report card.
B) School of Choice
If you wish to attend Vincent Massey but do not live in our catchment area or if you live in another school division, you may apply to attend. Please visit the Pembina Trails School Division website and review the guidelines on Schools of Choice.
School of Choice - guidelines and application forms.
Accepted SOC students are not eligible for bussing
C) Permanent Resident
- Everything from Option A.
- Must bring in landing documents (parents & students) to the school for copying for student file and processing by our division office
- Must bring in Permanent Resident card for copying (if applicable)
- Everything from Option B only if applying as School of Choice
D) All Other Newcomers to Canada (Visa, ISP, Refugee, etc.)
If you are new to the country and are NOT a Permanent Resident of Canada, please contact Ms. Donna Gray at the Pembina Trails School Division International Student Program’s (ISP) Office for verification ( Please send her the following documents in PDF format (only):
- All passports for your family
- All work, Study and Visitor Permits
- Letter of acceptance and/or job offer
- Rental agreement or a utility bill (MB Hydro, Winnipeg Water, or cable) that proves your address
- Child(ren)’s birth certificate
When the verification process is complete, the ISP office will provide the school office with Verification of Status Documents. The name of the school in your area (based on your address) will be stated. Subsequently, someone from your school will be in contact with you with further information about your child’s start at school.
To see which school is in your catchment area please check your address on our School Locator. Vincent Massey's catchment is explained in the first attachment below.
A school staff member will contact you to complete your school application. Please click on the school link and follow the directions.
Upon completion and receipt of your application, the school will contact you with further information for your child(ren)’s start of school.
If your child has any medical needs or concerns (nut allergy, asthma, epi-pen, etc.) please clearly indicate the health concern on the registration form and check with one of the school secretaries to ensure the necessary medical papers are prepared before your child starts school. If medication or medical treatment is required, we may request that an authorization form be completed by your doctor.
Registrations Throughout the School Year:
For registrations throughout the school year, please contact your school office directly. Appointments to complete the registration process can be made by contacting the school office.
Useful Links
Catchment Students Not at Feeder Schools - Registration and checklist 2526.pdf
Current Students - Registration and checklist 2526.pdf
VM Course Selection Grade 10 2526.pdf
VM Course Selection Gr. 11 and 12 2526.pdf
Registration and checklist for neighbourhood school students 2526.pdf
VM Course Selection Grade 9 2526.pdf
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