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Who We Are


Westgrove Elementary is a kindergarten to grade five school that focuses on developing academically strong students who are respectful, responsible and resilient. The school-wide respect agreement developed by our student and staff states; “Westgrove is a safe school where we are kind and helpful.” We are proud of our inclusive environment whereby ALL students have the ability to contribute and be active members in the school community. We embrace the uniqueness of all students and focus on developing each individuals' strengths in order to prepare them to be active citizens in our community by being kind, respectful and resilient. At Westgrove, we focus on the Seven Teachings of Love, Respect, Courage, Honesty, Wisdom, Humility and Truth. We provide a wide range of exceptional experiences whereby students have opportunities to organize and lead a variety of events and feel like true leaders in our school.

We are committed to a holistic approach towards educating children. We achieve this by implementing a balanced school day. A balanced school day ensures that students have opportunities to socialize, independently problem-solve and to be active with their peers. These key skills are needed in order to be successful in life.

We are from the stars!

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