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** Featured Student Testimonial**

"Where can I even begin? I suppose I can say I wouldn’t be where I am currently, as clichéd as that sounds. I most likely would have still graduated, and probably would have even gone into university after. However it wouldn’t have been with the same speed and confidence that the Alternative High School instilled in me.

There I discovered how I learn and how to support that style of learning.  I learned what I struggled with and how best to combat these struggles. It helped me in more than just my academic life, as some of the lessons I learned there have spilled over into my everyday way of thinking. But above all, I think I mostly remember the staff there and how, despite the numerous other students, I never felt like I was waiting.  If I needed assistance, I could always find someone to help.

The fact I still keep in touch with many of them today I’d say, is a testament to how above and beyond they all went. If I could say one thing to everyone who had a part in AHS it would be thank you!

Thank you so much for taking that chance on me.   I’m forever grateful for the opportunity and experiences it gave me." ~ Kierdan Laliberte

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