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Kindergarten School Supplies


Supply List

During your staggered start visit, each child needs to bring from home:

        • labelled Velcro or slip-on (no laces please!) runners to remain at school and to be used for gym class 
        • a labelled school bag to be brought to school every day (large enough for a legal file folder and a lunch kit)
        • a labelled container for daily snacks (we encourage students to bring their snack in a reusable container)
        • 1 Box of tissues
        • 1 Ziploc bag with a change of clothes to be kept in his or her backpack for the school year (pants, shirt, underwear and socks)
        • student fees (see below)


   NOTE: Kindergarten children DO NOT require separate gym clothing


For student fees to be processed correctly please return one cheque per student payable to École Dieppe to classroom teacher on the first day of school in the amount of $85.00.

If online payment is preferred, information will be sent the last week of August.

Student fees cover the cost of the following:

  • Classroom activities
  • Folders
  • Fieldtrips
  • Exploratory playtime and centre time supplies
  • Crayons
  • Journals
  • Pencil crayons
  • Scissors
  • Felt pens
  • Science materials
  • Pencils
  • Paint
  • Craft materials
  • Erasers 

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