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Bienvenue Cameron!

On Friday, September 6, the students of École Dieppe gathered in the gymnasium to celebrate the launch of the school's new logo and mascot. Previously known as the ``Dieppe Léopards``, we will now be known as the ``Dieppe Dinosaures``.

The choice of Dinosaures as a logo came through a year-long consultation with staff and parents. By being the Dinosaures, it allows us to make a better connection with history and to celebrate the historical significance of our school name.

The new logo for the school is a dinosaur print with three toes with each toe representing our school pillars -  growth, inclusion, and engagement.

All students were given a t-shirt featuring the new Dieppe logo in their house colours thanks to the generous support of our Parent Advisory Council (PAC).

Our new mascot, Cameron the T-Rex was also unveiled at the assembly.  The name Cameron was chosen to honour the Queen`s Own Cameron Highlanders - the Winnipeg regiment that landed on the beaches of Dieppe in 1942 during the Second World War.

Cameron is looking forward to making appearances at future school events.

Vas-y les Dinosaures!!!

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