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Subway Lunch

Munchalunch for January until June is now online for parent ordering. Please see below important notes and dates.

The next lunch date is Thursday, March 6th.

Please note:
 - All fun lunches are on Thursday.
 - DEADLINES TO ORDER: Are 1-week before the fun lunch date (by 11:59 PM the Friday before the lunch).
- There will be no extras to purchase the day of the lunch – please be sure to order for your child using the  
following link:
- Volunteers are needed to help distribute the food on Thursdays. The success of the Hot Lunch program cannot run
   without parents, caregivers, etc. If you are able to spare about an hour out of your day, please come down to help!   
 The commitment is from 11:45 AM – approx. 12:30 PM. You can show up the day of or email for more details.
 - Payments: Munchalunch now requires for orders to be paid within 24 hours ordering. If payment is received not received, you will be notified by the Munchalunch system       

   that the order is cancelled. This is an automated setting. If you are paying by cash or cheque, please email to let the parent volunteer know.

If your child is ill on the day of special lunch, you email the above email to let them know if you want to pick up the lunch.
 To sign up, please login to Munchalunch and click volunteer.

Below are all the fun lunch dates for the rest of the school year:

March 6 - Subway

March 20 - Domino's 

April 10 - Boston Pizza

April 24 - Subway

May 8 - Domino's

May 22 - Boston Pizza

June 5 - Subway

June 19 - Domino's

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